Good sing yesterday with Peter Holman. Doing Dido with one of the world's leading Purcell experts... well... :)
Apart from Mole as Sorceress, the solos were scattered wherever people wanted or agreed, so we had several Didos and Second Women. I got volunteered for First Witch by Sarah who wanted to reprise our famous duet (Ipswich Corn Exchange 10 years ago). Unfortunately neither of us could remember the parts well and neither of us can sight-read efficiently so we made a hash of the read-through. After a bit of lunchtime work, we did pretty well, apart from me not getting the timing right in my favourite bar ("the cry comes on apace": lovely bit quite different from the rest of the part).
Peter is very very fussy, and rightly so, about timing. Recits before late C18 were always performed in exact time, and Purcell wrote fiddly patterns because that's how they are meant. All of us except Selene messed up timing, and Peter does not change the accompaniment to fit vagaries of incompetent singers. You catch up or you miss it.
Throat was still slightly sore, but it rather fitted the manic cackle style (I like doing Character Parts). However, dropping back into lyric for Haste, haste (the girl singing Belinda had swapped to Dido for that recit) was not easy :(
I was so nervous and seized-up. Clifford (Kings Music) asked me why I'm "always so shy about solos". Wish I knew. The CBT was supposed to help, but it worked better for needles than for stagefright. Part of the trouble is that I sing solo very rarely... which is because I'm nervous about solos so I don't go for them, except in pub-singing/cabaret/busking. Then, I reckon people aren't listening, so it's ok. Pub-singing is the best, because I have few qualms about singing for drunks (they're listening, but their critical faculties have left home and they probably won't remember in the morning).
Chorus-singing is no problem at all, even one to a part, and even when I know I can be heard. Puzzling.
Peter told us to attempt a Pyrrhic measure for a bar or two of one chorus. Heh. And the ancient Greeks said it couldn't be done. Howzat, marble-painters!
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